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Advice for Beginner Lifters

tips for beginner lifters

I started getting into lifting weights a little over 5 years ago when I started my first training program online. I’ve learned a TON since then, both through my own personal journey and also what I’ve learned as a certified personal trainer.

When you’re first starting out, it can absolutely feel daunting and nerve-wrecking. Between figuring out how to use different machines, learning the names of the exercises, questioning whether or not you’re doing the exercise correctly, and many reps you should be doing…it’s a lot! A big part of my mission with my coaching program is to help women build confidence in the gym and get comfortable LIFTING WEIGHTS. I want you to feel empowered and confident with strength training; you’ll not only look strong, you’ll feel strong!

The reality is, all of those feelings and nerves are completely normal – because we’ve all been there at some point! There are a lot of things I know now, that I wish I knew when I first started lifting weights. I’ve made a list of some practical guidelines and tips for every beginner new to the weight room!

I want to also remind you that most people are so focused on themselves at the gym – whether that be taking selfies, or actually concentrating on their form – you’re usually the last thing on their minds. They’re usually not watching you; they’re watching themselves – so go do your thang!

Here are some helpful tips if you’re just starting out:

START OFF WITH JUST 2-3 FULL BODY DAYS/WEEK – If you’re brand new to lifting there is no reason you have to go 0-60 with your training and blindly commit to going 5-7x/week. That’s a guaranteed way to set yourself up for failure & exhaustion and possibly, injury. Set a goal of 30-45 minutes a couple times a week, that’s doable right?

As a beginner, your body is likely unfamiliar with strength training movements. By focusing on a few full body sessions per week, you can make the most of your time there, while hitting all the different muscle groups per session.

KEEP A TRAINING LOG – It’s really important to document your progress week to week as you begin your training regimen. There are lots of training logs available online but you could also print out templates to track the weights, sets and reps of every exercise you do. I’d also suggest making notes and comments about how you felt that day, how the workout went overall, your mood, and any other factors that may/may not have affected your workout for that day.

The key to increasing strength and getting stronger is focusing on progressive overload (doing more over time). This is accomplished a number of ways, like increasing the weight you used from the week prior, or increasing the number of reps you performed. Keeping a log is a great way to reflect back at how far you’ve come (and how much stronger you’ve become!)


  • you don’t have to follow something PERFECTLY to get results

  • don’t compare your progress to others or worry about how much they’re lifting

  • prioritize form over everything else

  • don’t be afraid to get strong

  • take 1-3 rest days/week; it’s essential for proper recovery

If you have questions, hop over to our women's only FB community right here! We’d love for you to join us!

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